He is a potter artisan expert on archaeological reproductions. He has worked for several museums, exhibitions and research projects, always applying experimental archaeology techniques. His main field of research, experimentation and dissemination is the Vaccean pottery (4th to 1st Centuries B.C.), an Iron Age tribe from the Northern Plateau of the Iberian Peninsula. For EMAP, he has reproduced some of the beautiful clay rattles that appear in Vaccean burials.
Carlos Jimeno, Cerámica y Patrimonio.
C/.Las Bastas, s/n Zona Bodegas
47260 Cabezón de Pisuerga (Valladolid) España
Tfno.: +34 696 58 24 02
© 2015 EMAP - European Music Archaeology Project

Comune di Tarquinia, Assessorato alla Cultura - Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 6 - 01016 Tarquinia (VT) - by Studio ARCHITUTTO DESIGNER'S - Italy

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