Placido Scardina


 PLACIDO SCARDINA has a degree in Archaeology of the Ancient Near East from the Università della Tuscia, with a study about Music in Syro-Hittite states (I millennium BC), and a master degree in Musicology from the Universidad de Valladolid. Researcher in Music Archaeology at the Departamento de Historias y CC de la Música of the University of Valladolid, at present his PhD research focuses on organological and iconographical remains of indigenous cultures of Sicily and Southern Italy in early Iron Age. For EMAP, beyond research activities, he is in charge for the Exhibition's tour management as assistant curator. He also coordinates for EMAP the first Doublepipe school, Euterpe 2018.

praztoscardina [at]
© 2015 EMAP - European Music Archaeology Project

Comune di Tarquinia, Assessorato alla Cultura - Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 6 - 01016 Tarquinia (VT) - by Studio ARCHITUTTO DESIGNER'S - Italy

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